Join 37k+ subscribers for weekly battle tested tactics:
Join HereHas lack of consistency cost you?
How many weeks do you nail it … One per month? One per quarter? One per year?
How much wealthier, healthier and happier would you be if every week was your best week?
You know what you need to do.
You set goals, make plans and commit to making it work this time.
But then ‘life happens’ and before you know it you’re slipping back to square one!
Health, work, relationships…
It feels like you never quite get there.
There’s no consistency.
The ROI has been phenomenal. In my 40’s I’ve unlocked a level of calmness and confidence that I’ve never had before. I’m more effective and happier in every area of my life.
Jurgen Kennedy
Director North East Asia
& BD Director AMEA
Isn’t lack of information.
It’s implementation.
Podcasts, books, goal setting – you’ve tried all the standard solutions.
Random bits of meditation aren’t going to cut it.
And trying to force it with more motivation doesn’t work.
Because you always default to the same old behaviour patterns.
And the cold hard reality is you end up thinking maybe this is just how life is.
Things look great on paper.
But you've lost something vital … You!
Requires something different.
Because the truth is your environment isn’t to blame.
Age isn’t the problem and life isn’t too fast.
You’re not weak.
Or lacking in resolve.
Internal handbrakes are sabotaging the ‘logical path’ time and time again.
Until you have practical strategies to remove them…
You will be trapped repeating the same patterns over and over again.
You need a system to break free.
Crush Stress & Self-Doubt, Forge Iron Discipline & Killer Consistency To Go From 'Average' To Unstoppable
Have your best week, every week, 52 weeks a year.
Get StartedPatrick O'Mahony
Founder & Director, NEWSUBSTANCE
Will Jennings
CEO, Rabobank
I spent 8 years in the military, serving first as a Royal Marines Commando and then with UK Special Forces.
The Special Forces deal with complex scenarios.
But their approach isn't complex.
It's the opposite.
They do the basics of soldiering better than anyone else.
The result – consistently operating at a world class level no matter the challenge.
It’s the same in life.
If the problems you face feel chaotic, the answer isn't complex strategies.
You need a strong mindset and solid framework for consistent success.
Charlie Watts
CEO & Founder, MANOR Gym Group
Neil Lonergan
Co-Founder, Linimex, Flexfibre & StrikeNet
Is to get you results and make sure you’re consistently at your very best.
I will give you an operating system forged and proved in extreme environments.
To effortlessly handle stress and pressure.
And put you firmly in control no matter what you face.
In less than 30 minutes a day for 60 days you will tap into your full potential.
Until you’re playing life on easy mode.
I’ve spent the last 6 years transferring these skills into a framework for life.
A practical step-by-step system that creates world class results.
Coaching over 1800 clients to success – I know what works and what doesn’t.
Tim Leigh
MD, Stage One Creative Services
Johnny Porter
GM, Cottesmore Hotel, Golf & Country Club
You have to draw a line in the sand.
To break of boom/bust cycles and take back control.
This coaching isn’t for anyone who wants ego stroking or ‘go hard, go home motivational fanfare’.
It’s for leaders who want a practical system forged and tested in the real world.
And are ready to take action for lifetime results.
Free from the same old cycles sabotaging performance and happiness.
Once you upgrade your operating system everything changes.
You get consistent results across every area of your life.
And go from feeling ‘average’ to unstoppable.
I was in a pit of distraction and procrastination. I was really struggling with focus and engagement, and it was a long period of just feeling unmotivated.
Within a couple of weeks I was on an upward trajectory. And it just got better and better. The result was incredible. Simon has done all the hard work by taking his experience, the science and research and putting it together into an effective system.
I've thought about this long and hard and I've reflected on this. This is one the most important things I've ever done in my life. And certainly one of the best things I've ever done.
The age that I am 44, I needed a reset. I now feel I'm back operating where I was in my early twenties. And that's not withstanding the responsibilities that I have now. I have the feeling that anything is possible.
Andrew Lock
6 Sep 2023
Adam Lawrence
Founder, Create Cadence
Tim Groom
Founder, Tim Groom Architects
I was struggling with things like imposter syndrome, lack of confidence, and I wanted to do something, but I wasn't quite sure what that was.
I can honestly say the change has been absolutely transformational. I am a very different person now from when I started in a totally positive way. Since finishing I can definitely feel I'm more calm and more confident. My relationships are better because I'm better at focusing on the human connections in my life.
I'm a better mum. I'm a better friend. I'm more motivated. I'm more focused. Essentially I'm just better able to do things that are going to get me where I want to go.
Ruth Tank
27 Apr 2023
At the tail end of last year I was finding myself really burnt out. This coaching appealed because it offered a practical approach based on real world experience dealing with high pressure environments.
The changes for me have been immeasurable. The difference in 8 weeks is unbelievable. I've got so much more confidence. For example I can go into the boardroom and give presentations without hating it. It’s actually stunned colleagues how different I am.
My family has also noticed a difference. They’ve said I’m back to the person they knew before but with upgrades. It's changed my relationship with people and my relationship with myself in a very positive way. I would say if anybody's thinking about coaching you'll be amazed at how much your life will change. Even if you only did 10% of it, you would experience a huge change.
Rich Baker
28 Jul 2023
For me, it was both personal and professional. There's never a point I don't feel in business or personal development where there isn’t room for an extra edge. Which is what I got.
I had been pencilling in maybe a goal of some 6,000 metre mountains with a big question mark next to some 8,000 metre ones. And here we are a few months after I've finished the program and my wife and I are literally talking about when we're heading to do our first 8,000 and putting Everest on the calendar in about two years time. That's the easiest way to describe what the outcome of the program has been.
So the result of this coaching has been well and truly worth it (even as someone who spent their entire life working on themselves). Simon has experience that not many other people have shared. And to be able to break that down into useful chunks to become adaptable, resilient and durable is very valuable. The system is brilliant for making sure you stay in control of your mindset and emotions and who wouldn’t want that?! I highly recommend it for anyone wanting to take their business, relationships or health to the next level.
Andrew Read
17 Jul 2023
I was repeating the same patterns with behaviours like people pleasing and procrastination which was leading to stress and burnout. I had tried lots of different things but nothing had stuck. I was looking for a coach with real world experience who could provide realistic advice, structure and actions. That is what I got and it’s been fantastic.
After 8 weeks I feel calmer, clearer and more confident in my own abilities and my own choices. I’ve learned to say no and set boundaries and I’m not feeling guilty about this. Also, my habits are a lot more consistent without that all or nothing yo-yoing because I have a solid framework in place. What I really loved about the coaching is the way that you can make it suit your life to create a better way of living. You can make it your own. There are no gimmicks or quick fixes, it's just a process and support that works.
Robyn Anne
25 Apr 2023
I had a realisation that I'd lost something in the past few years, something didn’t feel right. I needed to find a way to move forwards. When I look at who I am now compared to before the coaching it’s chalk and cheese, it's ridiculous. Now that alarm goes off, and I'm up and out of bed. I’m straight into the day with purpose and I achieve loads even before I start work!
I’m more confident in guiding the people I work with. I’ve stopped stressing about the small things and focus on the bigger picture. And I've seen changes in my relationships as well. My wife has noticed that I'm more driven, and have my spark back. I’m pushing myself more and feel great because of it. It’s easy to spend hours watching videos on Youtube about improvement but having guidance and structured learning is so powerful. It shortcuts the process of having to fit all of the pieces together yourself. I wanted something that I believed in, and a system to follow and that is exactly what I got.
Stefan Cordery
13 Jul 2023
I was looking for a change because of problems making decisions, procrastination, and a lack of self-belief. Since the coaching I’ve been much more positive with my outlook. I’ve been able to step back from situations rather than letting them overwhelm me, and I’m making much more consistent progress.
It’s been like investing in an upgrade for my operating system! And the fact is I use this every day, it’s something you can’t get away from. The more I learn about myself through this process the better life gets for me, it’s as simple as that. I am feeling confident and in control which is everything to be honest.
Paul Topham
23 Apr 2023
I'm at about the middle point of my life. I've had a bunch of adventures and I was wondering whether I'd really reached my potential. I was a bit lost and falling into negative mental patterns looking back and wishing I'd made different choices with rose tinted glasses.
In areas like health and fitness the coaching accelerated, improved and optimised those parts of me. In all the other areas it provided me with the structure to be more effective with my life. It’s given me an operating system to hone my focus on what really matters. And I now have a very clear vision for my future.
On a practical level the ROI for this system has been phenomenal. It has allowed me to get to a level I couldn’t previously access.
Thomas Youngman
12 Sep 2023
There were many goals that I had in place, but sometimes trying to work towards those goals was a little bit overwhelming. Through the coaching process I built the tools and structure to increase my focus and maximise my effort.
It has made the process of building my business less stressful and more fun. I’m much calmer about things and can ride the waves of uncertainty with more confidence. The journey continues still, but I feel much better equipped for success.
Alistair Philip
10 Aug 2023
I saw one of your videos and I thought that pretty much just described exactly where I am in my life. I was doing a lot of things that didn’t benefit me. More importantly, I don't think that I was the person that I see myself as being. I wasn’t living that way. I wasn’t acting that way.
With the system and coaching strategies I feel like I have moved much closer to the person that I want to be. This just got better and better as I progressed. The things I say I want to be, that I enjoy, that I know are good for me, they're now part of my day-to-day life.
Other people have also noticed a change in me. My friends and family have absolutely noticed a difference in me. I've had a lot of good comments. My dad said he’s noticed that I'm much more lively and attentive. It’s little things but it has not gone unnoticed.
Rob King
29 Sep 2023
I started coaching because I finally understood that the things I was doing weren't working. I needed a new perspective and a new approach. When you answer your own questions you give yourself the answer you want, not the answer you need. The coaching gave me exactly what I needed. I’m now confident about me, who I am and the decisions I make. Instead of just creating a persona of being strong and positive I’m now confident in the fact that I am those things. Overall, having the ability to control how I react to things has been the most powerful result.
Nathan Turney
29 Sep 2023
I was in a state of mind where nothing was wrong but nothing was good. It was routine with no expectations. I was always complaining, but not doing anything to change it. Nothing externally has changed in my life, but I am feeling more and more detached from my mental worries. I’m also not getting angry, I’m setting firm priorities and I’m taking action with things important to me. It feels like I’ve got the drive and motivation I had in my 30’s back again!
Valerie Hayward
26 Apr 2023
I came into coaching because I wanted specific help dealing with procrastination around starting up my own business. I found that I wasn't committing and I didn't have the structure to make progress. This program appealed because it's based on real world experience, it's succinct and it's very practical. There's no fluff about it. As a result I've got a path to follow and I've nailed down a number of habits that are enabling me to make progress. It’s been a huge help and I feel so much better in myself. I’ve also got a set of tools to help me achieve more going forwards.
Bill Hyman
23 May 2023
I wanted to make some changes but I didn't really know where to go. I had some struggles with motivation and the resilience in my systems wasn’t very good. I would have good weeks and then things would get intense and my good habits would get sideswiped.
There's a lot of stuff out there that promises the world and doesn’t deliver. This was very different. It’s easy to connect with the process which helps build a solid momentum that keeps moving you forwards. I’ve seen a lot of benefits. In the past I would say I was going to do something and not follow through so I’d feel like a failure. The way the coaching is structured makes it very easy to get wins which have just continued to build, so my confidence has been massively boosted.
Edward Jonkler
17 Apr 2023
There was this block to getting stuff done that was really holding me back and this is what I wanted to overcome. I wasn't sure if coaching would work for me, but very early on I got the sense that I was on the right path. The process itself has been fascinating because there have been so many ‘ahha’ moments where things have just clicked and made sense, and that's really satisfying. I feel like I'm back in the driving seat and I'm now achieving the things that I want to. The other fantastic part is being kept accountable, and getting you back on track when old habits start to creep in. So just having that framework and support in place has been invaluable.
Alex Erskine-Murray
16 Apr 2023
The phrase “It’s okay to not be okay”. Yes it is. But that can't go on forever. At some point you need to address why you are not ok. I knew I was self sabotaging, falling short and I was falling short in many ways. I had been existing, not living & I didn't really like myself very much. The time had come for that to change.
The coaching has pulled out of me more than previously I could have ever hoped for. It's given my motivation a huge boost. I’m better equipped to deal with obstacles when they come up which makes day to day existence so much easier. In the past I had a massive problem with seeing and thinking negatively about everything. Now, I view things with a whole new perspective and I find that my quality of life is so much better.
At this point I am more optimistic and positive than I've ever been. I know there are going to be bumps in the road but I now have the tools I need to deal with them effectively and I couldn't be happier with the direction my life is going!
Samantha Harrington
20 May 2023
I signed up because it seemed like it was no nonsense, relatable and also realistic. It was an action plan of steps to take, which if you follow will lead to change. And that is what happened, because I do definitely feel like I have changed over the course of the past few months.
The coaching is broken down into bite sized actions week by week so that before you know it you’ve built these really strong and positive habits. I now feel much more confident, disciplined and with a clear path towards where I want to go.
The support through this process has also been brilliant, being able to speak directly to Simon and ask questions on a regular basis has kept me on track. I feel like the value that I’ve gotten out of this has been massive, it’s 100% one of the best investments I've made. I was actually shocked at just how beneficial the whole thing has been.
Kristian Parkin
14 Apr 2023
I came on board because I really wanted to understand when things go wrong, why they go wrong, and to find some mechanisms to help me cope with the stress. Plus I had an interest in managing overwhelm which can be a big factor in a role leading an organisation when there's always so much information coming at you.
One of the most important things I've gained is moving away from perfectionism. I’ve realised that I don't have to be perfect all the time, and actually if I do the right things in the right way at the right time and keep doing them (even when I’m having a bad day) then I will get the cumulative results in the end. I also procrastinate less and get more done. I've worked out how I actually think and feel about things and therefore I've created time zones in my day-to-day plan to actually make sure that I get on top of things and make things happen.
Paul Battye
11 Apr 2023
For a lot of my life I've focused on delivering the end result. Being a project manager I've always been focused on delivering the goal. But I realised I wasn’t always enjoying the journey, and wasn’t as present as I should have been. So I wanted to have a methodology that helped to mentally motivate me on a daily basis, to frequently pause and enjoy the journey of life more rather than chase the future. Also, I think I lived a lot in my head (like Seneca said; we suffer more often in imagination and than in reality). I was wasting so much energy and mental capacity when it could have been used in a much more positive way and I wanted to change that.
This coaching gave me a system and the tools and processes to achieve those goals. There is a lot of training out there for physical change or mental wellbeing but nothing as holistic as this and I’ve not found anything of this quality that prepares and takes you to the right space for exactly what you personally need. Overall I’m much more of my own man now instead of following the path for others, I’m walking it for myself now. I’m very content and in a really good place because I feel like I’m back in control and excitedly taking advantage of new opportunities and exploring new paths literally each and every day. Thank you TNE.
Robert Walker
24 Mar 2023
I needed to do something which got me back in control of my mindset. I feel now like I did when I was in my early twenties. Back then I didn’t worry about what other people were thinking of me or stressing about things that I couldn't control. I really feel like I've gone back to that point. I don't dwell on things anymore and that has made a huge difference to me. And other people have noticed it as well.
Another big win has been with my work. After Christmas I was made an offer from a new company and the whole package was very nice (car, good salary, prestige etc.). In the past I would have grabbed it, but I knew it wasn’t right. I ended up taking a freelance position, which literally has ticked all the boxes. I'm doing a job that I love, and I haven't been this happy for a long time. Without this training I would have gone for the ‘safe’ option and taken the job offer because of the package and the prestige. So without the coaching I would've gone the easy route, which would not have been the happiest route.
Jason Wright
26 May 2023
Quite simply for me, I've spent the last 10 years in a state of either low chronic stress or extreme high anxiety. So I bounced between both of those and it's just absolutely exhausting. I felt like I was so involved with myself and where my head was that I was missing so much within my life, I was missing opportunities. I was missing out on things with my family and I was so busy worrying about things that I was never actually present in the moment. But until you make the move, you can't expect a change and I'd been in the same state of mind for a long time.
The changes so far have been absolutely transformational. I'm dealing with things in a much, much more positive manner. I'm actually looking forward to doing things. I'm present with my family and I'm enjoying the little things. I've taken on new opportunities within work, and I've pushed myself to be more physically active, feel better. Overall I'm getting so much more out of life.
Tom Mansbridge
8 Mar 2023
Being ex-military, I left a very structured world. Coming out into the commercial world I found that I lacked purpose and a format to constructively move through my day. Plus, I was having bad days and getting frustrated with progress. Overall I was too comfortable with being comfortable and I wanted to find something that wasn't gimmicky to really get me off on the right foot at the beginning of each day.
This coaching was straightforward and it's no nonsense approach nails doing the basics well. It gave me a framework for me to declutter everyday life. The combination of body and mind was also brilliant because you can't fix one without the other. But it isn’t so rigid that you end up living a monk's life. Instead it provides a forward momentum so that you’re always improving each week.
From a personal point of view I can now focus down on those elements that I know I have to do, and I don't put them off. There's far less procrastination and I will go about tackling difficult tasks rather than avoiding them. My mood is certainly better with the routine I now have in place so I tend to find that my days are more enjoyable. I really liked that everything is progressive and that it's really easy to adopt and adapt into your daily life. And the support network is excellent, both from the team and also in the community. It's really great.
Matt Burbridge
17 Mar 2023
I was very self-critical and had a good dose of imposter syndrome even though I had achieved a lot. I didn’t know why I wasn’t fully happy, and why day to day things felt like a grind. On paper everything seemed to be going well … good job, house, kids, the whole shebang. But I wasn't feeling like I was achieving my potential. I’d read a lot of stuff but I had no structure to bring it all together and actually put it into practice. This is exactly what I got from the coaching process. The framework has given me a way to make real long term positive change. I’ve taken a massive step forward. I feel confident and have a clear idea of what I need to do to get to where I want to be.
Christopher Searles
15 Mar 2023
I wanted to unlock my potential as I had felt constrained by something (I didn't know what) and wanted to achieve more in my life. The course taught me to understand some of the reasons I am who I am and, more importantly, how to work with it to unlock it. I was able to change my outlook on all of the things I wanted to address. My professional life has improved, I am more confident and less threatened by change. Personally, I am calmer and more content with the things I cannot control. I have been more communicative with my wife and family, as a result I have seen an uptick in the overall happiness levels at home (for all). I am more focussed and 'in the moment' and I have also set about physical challenges (ultra marathon and 1/2 Ironman) and am losing weight. All-in-all, it has done exactly what I set out to achieve. I am confident that with my growth mentality, I will achieve more now than before the course. I would recommend this for anyone who is seeking a significant chance for self-improvement.
Charlie Russell
9 Jun 2023
I was looking for something because I knew that something wasn't right in my life. I’m a retired police officer, but I still felt uncomfortable and had a lack of confidence even though I'd done a lot of challenging things. I signed up wholeheartedly and the process has been brilliant!
The benefits have been many fold really. I've been a big believer in learning from books but nothing beats getting a structured coaching framework from people who care about people, and who have put a lot of thought into creating an incredibly effective process.
The surprising thing for me, and everyone's going to feel different, is it ticked all the boxes of the things that I was missing. I found that small steps suddenly helped with the bigger picture in making me more confident and in control. From the format to the support everything just made sense and worked and the more I embraced it the more I got from it. I highly recommend this course.
Mark Smyth
5 Feb 2023
I decided to jump in because I was launching a business and I realised that there were some aspects of my performance that just needed a bit of sharpening up. I needed to be at the top of my game to be able to launch a business successfully. Going through the coaching I have a better understanding of the drivers behind my behaviour.
I've been studying this stuff for a long time, but having the structure and process to really embed it and make it part of my daily life was super, super useful. It's a process of self-discovery and the support that you get from the guys is just invaluable. I now have a clear vision and the focus to execute that vision and get the results I want.
Ben Ford
14 Mar 2023
Before coaching I saw myself reacting in ways that I didn't like. Since working with Simon a lot of people have said they've noticed a difference in me. My wife's seen a positive influence on me at home in how I deal with challenging situations, and not worry about them. I’ve also had colleagues, and very senior people in my business mention the change in my behaviour to create a positive outcome.
Importantly, it's given me more confidence in my work which has helped me to push my career forward. I’ve taken the next step, which I was struggling to do a year ago and that's been super positive. Everything in the coaching is really relatable day-to-day and it's usable all the time. I feel it gives you everything that you require, packages it up amazingly, and allows you to action it at a time and place most suited for you which was a game changer for me. It’s delivered in such a way that it doesn't commit huge amounts of time. It allows you to chunk off a bit to use each day which means it's really easy to make progress every single week.
David Richardson-Dreyer
23 Feb 2023
I was looking for a mentor that I could respect and a framework that kept me accountable because as a business owner living abroad I spend a lot of time working alone. I wanted to build the skills to get through stress and pressure without being dragged down. Since the coaching I have a lot more awareness of where I am in the present moment, which means I’m less reactive and I can stay on track.
It's like having a map and compass so I can orient myself in the world much more positively. And I’m now at the point of doing it without necessarily thinking about it the majority of the time, it's just there. Like everything in life you get out what you put in and I’ve certainly got a huge amount from this process, and because it’s such an in-depth resource it’s the gift that keeps on giving!
James Shaw
8 Aug 2023
The reason why I went into this process is because in some situations I was not able to manage my emotions the way that I wanted to, which was having a negative effect on my life and the people around me. I also started to notice that other people saw me differently from the way I wanted to outwardly reflect myself.
Since finishing the coaching I feel far more confident and grounded which means I can manage a lot of situations where before I would've let emotions take over. I feel now that I'm back in control of situations even with those curveballs you just don’t expect. I can sit back, analyse it and decide the right way to go forward for me, which is a huge, huge win. It has been life-changing because without a strong mindset nothing really falls into place. As soon as you open this doorway, it's just such a positive change and a breath of fresh air!
Will Saywell
10 Sep 2023
I run a nonprofit organisation and I've got a large family with six kids. So there's enough in there where you feel overwhelmed quite quickly. Simon is an amazing coach and I learned very quickly really great tools to hack that feeling of being out of control, and put strategies in place to find more calm confidence in my day-to-day life. That translated straight into business success in terms of being able to be more on top of my work as well as making more time for the family.
So within week one, I had huge successes and I remember just being overwhelmed with the quality of the coaching. So it had a pretty immediate effect, and it was just like building blocks week after week. It just got better and better. If you're thinking about signing up, I can only recommend Simon and TNE, it was absolutely an amazing experience. There was kind of a no BS approach. It is a very well structured process with strong support to make sure you get the results you need.
Tobi Emonts-Holley
16 May 2023
Through the coaching I feel better when I wake up, I'm not reacting as I would've previously when things aren't going right, and I'm comfortable knowing that I can't control all the events that are happening around me. To be able to make that kind of progress in such a short space of time has been huge for me. I would out and out recommend TNE to anyone who is ready to be honest with themselves and finally make a change.
Paul Hellyer
17 Dec 2022
I thought I was in tune with my own mindset and how to attack the day and achieve my goals. But I needed some added accountability and I really needed to improve my overall structure. I had a lot going on and needed a better system to prioritise what was important and how to master the aspects that were going to have the most impact in my own life.
After the coaching I realised everything that I had integrated into my life was having a big impact. I feel much more structured and very committed to my goals in a positive way. In the past I’d also been someone who’s a hundred percent or zero. Moving away from that old mindset has been great for my overall consistency. I would say to anyone thinking about coaching, the benefits you can gain from mastering your mindset allow you to elevate and progress in everything that you do. Training, fitness, lifestyle, nutrition, family, and everything outside of that. So I'd say take the plunge, trust the process, do the work, and a hundred percent you'll see the benefits through and through.
Pele Zach
8 Dec 2022
I had a feeling like there was a piece of the puzzle missing a little bit, but I couldn't put my finger on it. I knew something wasn't quite firing and I wasn't flowing in the way that I felt like I should have been. I wasn’t maximising my potential.
I very quickly saw the benefits of the coaching. With some simple changes it had a massive effect. I feel calmer, more in control of everything, and much more confident. It started very quickly and just continued to build momentum. I feel like I’ve had a reset, and the way I feel and act has had a positive knock on effect on all of those around me both at home and in work. I have a very real and clear vision of my future and that feels fantastic.
Eddie McClements
3 Nov 2022
I got to a point in my life where I had an idea of who and what I wanted to be, but I didn't know how to get there. There were issues that were holding me back and I was seeing a consistent pattern of behaviour that I didn't know how to break on my own. So it was like I knew where I wanted to go, but I had several hand brakes on that were stopping me from making the progress I needed to head in that direction and to eventually get there.
The changes I've seen, and what my partner's seen as well, has proved that I can get to where I want to be. I've now got a clear direction and the confidence and tools to get there. The other thing for me personally is I'm managing to recognize where things might be going wrong before I act on it, which means that some of those hand breaks from the past aren't on anymore.
Simon Richter
22 Nov 2022
I'm a self-employed personal chef and I was struggling to find the balance between running my own business and family life with my wife and 18 month old daughter. I was trying to drive forwards but was struggling with long term focus and procrastination. Since the coaching it’s been a new lease of life in terms of positivity and ability to reframe all sorts of situations that I previously let get on top of me. My partner says that she hasn't really known me to be so peaceful. I'd say this to anyone: If you think you need to make a change, then you do need to make a change. Thanks to the course I’m excited about the journey that I’m on.
Steve Guy
12 Nov 2022
The mind controls everything else, and I really wanted to improve my resilience and outlook on life. I definitely feel there's been huge improvements: With the way I look at life, with my business, my health and with my family. I am calmer, more balanced, fitter and feel that I am up to any challenge that is presented to me.
Simon’s background, plus his experience is clearly the reason why this system is so effective. It has really helped me to stay in control, level up my confidence and also create clear direction. So it's been a very positive experience. I would highly recommend it.
David Tonks
28 Oct 2022
I engaged TNE to break me out of a performance rut. I felt like I needed to shake off the complacency that had crept into my life. That is exactly what I got! For the first time I really started to truly tap into what inspires and motivates me, which gave me clarity on how I want my life to look, both professionally & personally. With this clear vision it was much easier to then eliminate distractions and commit to action.
The difference in how I feel on a daily basis is massive! I have more energy, better focus and as a result am more productive. As a bonus my overall health has improved because I’m smarter and more effective with how I allocate my time and energy. The research and knowledge behind the programme is extensive, but more importantly I was constantly amazed by the care and willingness by the team to see me succeed. I would recommend TNE to anyone looking to really fulfil their potential and make the most of life.
James Roberts
17 Oct 2023
I am running a new business, and have a busy family life, and I think I was feeling quite overwhelmed and unable to identify really what my priorities were. I felt pulled in all sorts of different directions. So the upshot was I wasn't really getting anything done, and feeling quite stressed about that. Since the coaching I've been able to slow down and really just get some clarity on the key things that I need to focus on and remove the other distractions. It’s allowed me space to do the work that I need to run my business, which has then given me the time to be present with my family in the way that I want to.
My habits with exercising had also fallen by the wayside and the coaching gave me simple steps to create the time in my day to get this back on track and this has put me in a much better place with my health and fitness. I had delayed getting involved in coaching for quite a while. But it just became very clear that the way I was operating wasn't working for me. This in itself felt like a really positive step to acknowledge and to address. Coming out the other side, it's left me feeling that I've got a set of tools and processes that can help keep me moving forward in a positive way.
Adam Lawrence
30 Sep 2022
On my best days, I felt I was a really strong performer, but that was erratic and I'd go through bad phases where I was way off the top of my game. I’d lose motivation and bad habits would creep in. Eventually I'd snap out, but I knew there must be a more sustainable route to be my best self on a regular basis. The layered aspect of the course, building each week incrementally made it manageable and actionable. This gave me a continuity that made the changes feel easy which was impressive. As a result I’ve made positive changes across my life, from productivity at work to how I am with my family. My daily habits now support me to consistently move forwards and fulfil my potential.
Johnny Porter
13 Sep 2022
I wanted to do the course to learn more about myself, to improve my thought processes and to up-skill my daily performance habits to make sure I'm in the best position possible to face life's challenges. I’m now much calmer as a person, I’m less reactive and I deal with stress and pressure a lot better than in the past. I can respond in a way that helps me instead of being reactive. And that is all down to following the framework of this coaching.
Steven Wilkins
12 Sep 2022
I hit 40 and looking back on it I wasn't happy with life generally and I sort of stood back and thought, well, why is this the case? And that led me to look for coaching which is when I found TNE. It has been brilliant having direct access to Simon for whenever I need help. By being so responsive I’ve been able to nail things very fast. Looking back over the last 10 weeks since I started the process, I've become a lot more aware of myself. I can now catch myself when I start feeling myself go down negative spirals which don’t serve me.
I am better at embracing challenges and having a more positive outlook on things. And when I do fall into any negative behaviours I can pull myself out far more quickly. So my bounce back ability is much stronger. This mindset has also extended to things like fitness as well, managing myself better on those days when you don't want to go to the gym or you don't want to prepare the food. The strategies that I've learned are applicable to all areas of life and overall have made a marked difference. In real world terms my behaviour has changed and the only thing I've done differently is following the tools and techniques that are covered in the course.
Matthew Evershed
16 Oct 2022
I had an intuitive feeling that something was amiss, but could never quite pinpoint what had to be addressed. Through the coaching the changes have been significant. Sometimes incremental, sometimes in giant leaps. I think the most pleasing aspect is that my mindset skills have developed habitually - becoming embedded and natural to the extent that my outlook on life and how I go about living - my 'internal programming' - has been upgraded. As I've progressed my baseline performance has continually improved to the extent that my 'moving average' has set a new higher baseline with each stage of the program - creating a platform to further progress. This has helped in every aspect of my life, whether it's work, whether it's fitness, or whether it's in my relationships. I’m just in a happier, more solid place, no matter what life throws at me. It's been genuinely life changing.
Steve Corney
8 Sep 2022
I run my own business and compete at a high level in ultra trail running. I had a big race coming up with the European championships. I wanted to make sure I performed at my best andI knew mindset was going to be crucial. I also wanted to feel happier and more peaceful within my work and homelife. After going through the coaching I’ve been able to work harder and smarter in my training. My relationship with food has improved a lot. I’m calmer at work, and I’ve developed better strategies to deal with stress. Also, I just really enjoyed the course itself! For anyone on the fence about coaching, if you're thinking about doing it, then it probably means that you should. If you go into it with an open mind you will get results.
Gareth Read
2 Sep 2022
I really needed to deal with the negative voice in my head, a kind of lack of self-belief and I really wanted to explore how to deal with that. Also, I didn't feel I was good enough to actually achieve my goals anymore. So I knew it was my mindset holding me back. Going through the coaching I now truly understand why I want to achieve my goals and this has made everything feel so much easier. And I'm not even feeling tired. I'm actually feeling much more energised right throughout the day. I also feel more confident in myself and I’m seeing that as I improve myself it’s making me better at work, better as a friend, and better as a colleague.
Dave Coates
16 Oct 2022
I'm in my early fifties and I was a bit of a wreck; overweight, stressed to the eyeballs, cortisol levels off the scale and relationships failing. I was in a bad place. I’d lost my mojo, but now I feel I've got it back. I feel a lot more positive. I'm looking after my health a lot better. My relationship's a lot better. It enabled me to slow down, because life was going at a fast pace and just out of control. I wasn't looking forward to anything. There was nothing that I did that I enjoyed, but now going through the process and continuing in the future, I feel like I've got more time, more focus and just enjoying things. I've stopped thinking of worst case scenarios and putting obstacles in my way. I’m a lot more present and able to enjoy the moment. So I'm in a lot better place. I'm looking forward to the future now. I'm finding pleasures that I'd sort of lost before, but now I realise I can gain them back even though I'm in my 50s. I'm really looking forward to the future and working with you and the team in the future as well.
Shaun Baker
1 Sep 2022
Before I started coaching I felt that I was stuck in a bit of a rut. I was demotivated, prone to procrastination, and I had kind of lost my direction and sense of purpose in a way. I didn't really know where I wanted to go, or how to get there. I felt that I needed something or someone to help me, guide me, so that I could get back on track and be who I know that I can be.
Going through the process I'm finding that I'm a lot more confident and focused. The journey has helped me to understand some of the things that have been holding me back, and understand some of the things that limit me. I now have better focus on what I need to achieve and I'm starting to see real results. And by being more productive this allows me to enjoy life without stressing about work. I'm more relaxed and I'm just finding that head space to be able to enjoy my social and family time.
Like many other people, I was sitting on the fence about getting coaching. I'd considered it a number of times and I'd always thought maybe it was something that was a bit out there and wasn't really applicable to me. But with coaching I've seen how powerful it can be. And everyone that I speak to that's involved in the program is getting something from it. So it is all positive. From my perspective, I'd encourage anyone to go.
Elton Foister
12 Nov 2022
I’ve found myself quite overwhelmed by not having the enforced structure of my old city job and it actually led to times where I just wouldn't do anything. Procrastination was a huge problem. I knew there was something I needed to do, but I just wasn't doing it. The Coaching brought together a lot of concepts in a very accessible way that makes sense. The material really resonated, and it just seems to work. I find following the structure leaves me feeling much more calm and focused - with more purpose in life and less distraction. The combination of all these factors makes TNE stand out, and it's a system which, for me, has definitely been worthwhile and effective.
Reuben Greet-Smith
31 Aug 2022
The coaching is absolutely outstanding, and I wish it was available years ago. The changes I feel are unbelievable and the power of small changes has been the key so far. I keep revisiting and adjusting the contents to keep me moving forward. Every week since starting has been profound and made a change on how I look at things, what worries me and how this is helping me move forward. My focus has massively improved as a result and cannot thank you and the team enough.
Ady Brown
26 Aug 2022
I went through a bit of a bad time in terms of just feeling low. And I’ve always suffered a little bit from imposter syndrome, and I just decided I needed to sort of get my act together and work out what I wanted from my life. The coaching has given me a roadmap to change the way I think about things. I'm a lot happier in myself. I'm happy in my own skin and my family are certainly a lot happier with me because I'm not shouting all the time and being grumpy. Relationship-wise, they've got their dad back and my wife's got her husband back. Overall it's enabled me to be a much more rounded and happier person.
Gavin McClean
28 Aug 2022
I had reached out to Simon as I'd become so focused on a 24 hour a day connection to work that it had begun to impact my home life. I wasn't sure if it would work but I threw myself into the process as I knew I needed to break the cycle I'd found myself in. Over the duration of the course my outlook changed radically. I regained perspective and was altogether more calm and confident about the challenges I faced. And this isn't just me reporting success, my colleagues and family also noticed a significant shift in my outlook and behaviours. If you're looking for a no-nonsense and transformational coaching input then give TNE a call.
Tim Leigh
25 Aug 2022
I wanted to find a better way of marshalling my own attitude to things. This appealed to me because of its grounding in practical life experience. I found it accessible, actionable and achievable and the live sessions were fantastic. It really strips away the bulls**t around making long term changes. And that really worked for me because when life gets noisy, unless you have simple steps to follow you just fall back into old habits.
The system was exactly that, a clear plan to block out that noise and put one foot in front of the other. And my benchmark for its success is my calmness to events that happen now compared to the past. The number of events haven't changed, the external world hasn't changed. But I now have a solid system to process and deal with them.The brilliant thing I found is that you don’t need to get to the end of it where you find a magic ticket! It’s the little wins you constantly get each week that makes the big difference.
Neil Braakenburg
18 Jul 2022